Join Matty in His War on Potholes: Enough is Enough

Join Matty in His Pothole Smackdown!

Sick of swerving to avoid potholes? Tired of forking out for costly car repairs?

Enough is enough!

Matty is declaring an all-out war on potholes, and he needs YOU in his corner.

It's time to take the fight to the streets, filling those craters and making our roads safe again. No more bumpy rides, no more damaged vehicles - just smooth, pothole-free journeys!

Ready to roll up your sleeves and join the pothole smackdown? Let's show those road nuisances who's boss!

Improve our Roads:

Prioritise road maintenance, especially addressing potholes: 


And there is more: 

Revving Up for Action!

In our sights:

  • Ensuring vital rural road connections are well-maintained.
  • Implementing a smart pedestrianised town center for Kendal.
  • Keeping bus fares affordable at £2.
  • Pushing forward with the Kendal Northern Access Relief Road.

Let's pave the way to progress!

Support our campaign to fix Potholes! Enough is Enough!

  • Current Fix the Potholes!
  • Potholes matter! But so does the national picture.
  • Get involved
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